FEM Example Capacitance Two Balls

Finite Element Analysis
Time to complete
30 min
Sudhanshu Dubey
FreeCAD version
0.19 or above
Example files
Created programmatically
See also


This example is meant to show how to simulate the 6th example of Elmer GUI Tutorials, Electrostatic equation – Capacitance of two balls, using the new FEM Examples. It illustrates how to setup the example, study it's various parts, solve it using the Elmer Solver and visualize the results using Clip Filter.

The final result of this tutorial


Set up the example

Load FEM Workbench

Load the example

Understanding the Simulation Case

This case presents the solution of the capacitance of perfectly conducting balls in free space. A voltage difference between the balls results to electric charge being introduced to the system. The balls have also self-capacitance that comes from the voltage difference with the far field. Therefore a symmetric capacitance matrix with of size 2 × 2 needs to be solved. The capacitances may be computed from two different voltage configurations.

Understanding the Model

  1. The two smaller ones are the perfectly conducting balls.
  2. The bigger one is to simulate the surrounding air.

The initial model

Analysis container and its objects

The objects used in this electrostatic analysis:

  1. Analysis container
  2. SolverElmer
  3. Electrostatic, the electrostatics equation
  4. FemMaterial, a fluid material to represent the surrounding air
  5. ElectrostaticPotential, constraints (3 of them)
  6. ConstantVaccumPermittivity, optional
  7. Mesh, a Gmsh mesh
  8. MeshRegion, a mesh region for the smaller spheres

The objects as they appear in the Tree view

Running the FEA

If you get an error message on solver binary or similar when triggering the analysis, check the installation of Elmer.

Visualizing Results

Post Processing the Result

Now we can clearly see that potential distribution in and around the balls.

Note that when Apply Changes is on, you would have been able to select the "Field" in the clip dialog directly and not to reopen it after the plane was created.

Finding the Capacitance

StatElecSolve: Capacitance matrix computation performed (i,j,C_ij)
StatElecSolve:   1  1    5.07016E+00
StatElecSolve:   1  2    1.69328E+00
StatElecSolve:   2  2    5.07201E+00