SheetMetal AddFoldWall

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SheetMetal AddFoldWall

Menu location
SheetMetal → Fold a Wall
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The SheetMetal AddFoldWall command folds a sheet metal plate (blank) at a chosen line.

It can be used with a pre-cut blank to

Pre-cut blank and bend line with two gaps → perforated bend zone with some still planar geometry


  1. Select the face to be bent.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key (or the Command key on macOS).
  3. Select the coplanar sketch (i.e. lying on the same plane) containing the bend line (segments) (preferably from the tree view).
  4. Release the Ctrl key (or the Command key).
  5. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Fold a Wall button.
    • Select the Sheet Metal → Fold a Wall option from the menu.
    • Right-click in the Tree view or the 3D view and select the Sheet Metal → Fold a Wall option from the context menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: C Then F.
  6. A Fold object is created and the Fold on sketch line parameters Task panel opens.
  7. Optionally press the Base Object button and select a different face.
  8. Optionally press the Bend Line button and select a different sketch.
  9. Optionally adjust the parameters in the Task panel.
  10. Press the OK button to finish the command and close the Task panel.
  11. Optionally adjust the parameters in the Property editor.

The bend line(s) lying in the middle of the perforation → to keep the bend centred the same way the property DataPosition has to be set to middle

Task panel

A task panel was introduced in version 0.5.00

Double-click an existing Fold object in the Tree view to re-open the task panel and edit the parameters.



See also: Property editor.

A SheetMetal Fold object is derived from a Part Feature object or, if it is inside a PartDesign Body, from a PartDesign Feature object, and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:




A simple clip


This clip is made of a blank that receives three folds and so we need four sketches prepared in advance:

- one for the outline plus slot (blank)
- one for the bend at the tip
- one for the upward bend
- one for the downward bend

Easiest way to guarantee that one face of the blank and all folding lines are coplanar is to create all sketches on the same plane - the XY_Plane in this case.

The folding lines could be created with other tools but hey, we have a Sketcher!

Sketches on their common plane and their representation in the model tree


  1. Create a blank
    1. Select the outline sketch
    2. Press the Make Base Wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: C then B

      (The blank is padded in z direction and so it has to be flipped
      each time, to select the bottom face that is lying on the sketch plane)

  2. Fold the tip
    1. Select the blank's bottom face
    2. Select the sketch named Tip Fold line (preferably from the tree view)
      (and don't forget the control/command key )
    3. Press the Fold a wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: C then F
    4. The fold should be 90° down and so some values in the properties window need to be set e.g.:
      - the angle value to 60°
      - the invert value to true for an upward bend

  3. Create the downward fold
    1. Select the blank's bottom face
    2. And then the sketch named Down-Fold line
    3. Press the Fold a wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: C then F
    4. Set the angle value to 92°
    5. If the wrong section of the part moved set the invertbend value to true

  4. To create the upward fold
    1. select the blank's bottom face
    2. and then the sketch named Up-Fold line
    3. Press the Fold a wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: C then F
    4. Set the angle value to 80°
    5. If the fold is downward set the invert value to true
    6. If needed set the invertbend value to true


Note!: In real life the upward fold must be done before the downward fold. Only the virtual world of CAD allows us to bend through solid material. This way the orientation of the static section doesn't change.
All sketches lie on the same plane to avoid sketches attached to moveable faces.