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SheetMetal is an external workbench and does not belong to the standard FreeCAD installation. It has been developed to supply tools to create and unfold sheet metal objects.
Characteristics of sheet metal objects are:
The unfolding tool in both of its versions is not restricted to parts made with tools from this workbench, but can handle Part and PartDesign objects as well, as long as they meet above characteristics.
Rear: the sheet metal model built with the SheetMetal add-on
In front of it: the unfolded solid
At the forefront: the unfold sketch with bending lines for export to DXF.
If the export in DXF is used to control machines (Lasercut for example), you have to modify the DXF to remove the lines showing the folds, as these lines may be used for cutting by the machine.
This workbench can be installed from the Addon Manager. For manual installation see Installing more workbenches.
This workbench provides tools for the two main tasks:
This section is meant to give a rough idea of how to use the supplied tools. More detailed information can be found on each tool's own page (see above) or in the linked tutorials (see below).
Some parameters will be inherited from the parent object(s) but it is better to check the relevant parameters at each stage.
It should now be checked if the resulting sheet metal object can be unfolded. (see Unfold... below).
The unfoldable basic sheet metal objects can be extended:
Several tools from other workbenches can be used to add holes or to reshape edges.
To unfold a sheet metal object activate the Unfold or the
Unattended Unfold tool.
The result will be a 3D object with an optional outline sketch including bend lines.
Until tutorial pages are available on this wiki there is an Examples page.
It contains some hints about properties as well.
After downloading the extension and install, open it.
Repeat as many times as there are sides to bend.
Folding 1 return with use of "extend".
To add 1 back repeat the same operation by selecting the thickness of the concerned edge.
To reduce the space between the 2 edges, use "extends".
Select the thickness and specify the length to add.
Note that if the extension of the 1st edge is made before the fold of the return, it will not be taken into account, if 1 identical fold is added to the extension, it will appear correct but the unfolding will not be done.
Folding of 1 2nd edge:
Now we must separate the 2 edges otherwise they will merge and unfolding will be impossible.
Choose 1 reference face (here the orange face) and click on the button in the toolbar.
We obtain the blue part of which it is enough to modify the values X, Y, or Z to see it in totality.
After folding the flaps without having made a withdrawal, the shape thus appears.
To do it must split at 45 ° (or following the bisector flaps are unequal width).
Be careful not to scratch the "hinge" where the nakedness of bound the tip of the triangle at the edge of the fold line.
Make these holes and cuts after folding and before unfolding.
Always take care not to "scratch" the fold lines.
Make 1 fold on the edge of the side, at 45 ° of 0.1mm long, then 1 other reverse at 45 ° of the length of the contiguous flap, then extend the opposite side, it will pass over and they will not be merged.
In this particular case, unfolding only works by choosing the yellow face as a reference.
Previously it is said several times that it is not necessary to cut the folding lines.
How to do ?