SheetMetal AddWall

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SheetMetal AddWall

Menu location
SheetMetal → Make Wall
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The SheetMetal AddWall command creates flanges on selected edges of a base plate. By changing the Dataangle property a flange it can be turned into a hem.

A flange consists of a 90° cylindrical bend and a planar strip (wall).

Two selected edges → two flanges

Resetting the Dataangle property to about 180° in a second step will create a hem instead.

Two selected edges → two hems


  1. Select one or more edge(s) of a base plate.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Make Wall button.
    • Select the Sheet Metal → Make Wall option from the menu.
    • Right-click in the Tree view or the 3D view and select the Sheet Metal → Make Wall option from the context menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: W.
  3. The Flange Parameters Task panel opens (introduced in version 0.5.00).
  4. Optionally press the Select button to add more edges.
    • Press the Preview button to finish the selection and display the changes.
  5. Optionally adjust the parameters in the Task panel.
  6. Press the OK button to finish the command and close the Task panel.
  7. A Bend object will be created consisting of one new flange at each selected edge.
  8. Optionally adjust the parameters in the Property editor.


To create a base plate use a closed 2D outline - preferably a Sketch - with the Make Base Wall command.

Alternatively a base plate (blank) can be created with commands from the Part Workbench or PartDesign Workbench.

To create a blank with the Part Workbench:

  1. Create a solid using either:
  2. Make sure one the dimensions of the Box or the extrusion distance equals the sheet metal thickness.

To create a blank with the PartDesign Workbench:

  1. Create a solid using either:
  2. Make sure one the dimensions of the Box or the DataLength property of the Pad equals the sheet metal thickness.

If you start with a PartDesign Body, you can mix SheetMetal features with PartDesign features such as PartDesign Pocket or PartDesign Hole.


See also: Property editor.

A SheetMetal Bend object is derived from a Part Feature object or, if it is inside a PartDesign Body, from a PartDesign Feature object, and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



Parameters Ex

Parameters Ex2

Parameters Ex3

Parameters Miterangle

Parameters Perforation

Parameters Relief


A simple tray


This tray is made of a rectangular blank with walls added to its outline edges. And so one outline sketch for the blank has to be prepared in advance.

Just a rectangular outline


  1. Create a blank
    1. Select the outline sketch
    2. Press the Make Base Wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: C then F

      (The blank is padded in z direction

  2. Add walls to the outline edges
    1. Select the blank's outline edges
    2. Press the Make Wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: W
    3. If the fold is 90° down set the value of invert property to true to reverse the direction (and length to a lower value for smaller walls)

  3. Add some more walls
    1. Select the tray's upper outside edges
    2. Press the Make Wall button
      or use the keyboard shortcut: W

    3. The walls are a bit too long (but nicely trimmed) and so the length property has to be set to a lower value
    4. If you like the folds swing outward set the invert value to true
