Mouse navigation/zh



For more information about selecting objects see Selection methods.

For more information about manipulating objects see Std TransformManip.

Selecting a navigation style

  • 首选项编辑器中,选择的 编辑 → 首选项 → 显示 → 3D视图 → 3D导航

在三维视图区域的空白处单击鼠标右键,然后在弹出菜单中选择导航样式 →...”。

Available navigation styles

With all navigation styles, unless selecting objects from a sketch in edit mode, you must hold Ctrl to select multiple objects.

The following keyboard options are available for all styles:


The Blender navigation style was modeled after Blender.

Blender导航样式参照Blender的操作。以前一直需要按下SHIFT配合鼠标才能完成视图平移. 在2016年Blender增加了一个功能改变了这一情况。现在可以通过同时按下鼠标左键和右键进行视图平移。

选取 缩放 旋转视图 平移
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer. Hold Shift and the middle mouse button, then move the pointer.

Alternatively, hold both left and right mouse buttons, and then move the pointer.

CAD navigation



选择 缩放 旋转视图
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Clicking the middle mouse button re-centers the view on the location of the cursor.

Hold the middle mouse button, then press and hold the left mouse button, then move the pointer.



Hold the middle mouse button, then press and hold the right mouse button, then move the pointer.



Ctrl+Shift+ Shift+ Ctrl+
{{{Zoom_mode_text}}} Rotate mode: 按住Shift键不放,点击鼠标右键一次后移动光标. introduced in version 0.17 {{{Pan_mode_text}}}

|Pan_text=Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer.

|Zoom_mode_text=Zoom mode: hold the Ctrl and Shift keys, press the right mouse button once, then move the pointer.

|Rotate_view_mode_text=Rotate mode: hold the Shift key, press the right mouse button once, then move the pointer.

|Pan_mode_text=Pan mode: hold the Ctrl key, press the right mouse button once, then move the pointer. }}


This style was tailored for use with a touchscreen and pen. Nevertheless, it can also be used with a mouse, and is recommended for use when using a Mac with a trackpad.


选择 缩放 旋转视图 平移 倾斜视图
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select. 使用鼠标滚轮缩放。 按住鼠标左键,然后移动鼠标。


Hold the right mouse button, then move the pointer. 按住鼠标左键和右键,然后将鼠标移到一边。
Tap to select. 将两个手指(捏)拉近或拉远。 Drag with one finger to rotate.


Drag with two fingers.


Rotate the imaginary line formed by two touch points.



In Maya-Gesture Navigation, panning, zooming, and rotating the view require the Alt key together with a mouse button; therefore, a three-button mouse is required. It's also possible to use gestures as this style was developed over the Gesture navigation style.

在maya手势导航中,所有视图移动都是ALT 和鼠标按钮激活的,因此需要有一个3按钮鼠标才能正确使用此导航模式。另外,也可以使用手势,因为该模式是在常规手势导航模式基础上下开发的。

选取 缩放 旋转视图 平移 {{{Tilt_view_name}}}
Alt+ Alt+ Alt+ Alt+
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Alternatively, hold Alt and the right mouse button, then move the pointer.

Hold Alt and the left mouse button, then move the pointer. Hold Alt and the middle mouse button, then move the pointer. Hold Alt and both left and right mouse buttons, and then move the pointer sideways.


The OpenCascade navigation style was modeled after OpenCascade.

选择 缩放 旋转视图 平移
Ctrl+ Ctrl+ Ctrl+
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.


按住Ctrl和鼠标右键,然后移动指针。 按住鼠标中键,然后移动鼠标。

|Rotate_view_text=Hold the middle mouse button, then press and hold the right mouse button, then move the pointer.

Alternatively, hold Ctrl and the right mouse button, then move the pointer.

|Pan_text=Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer. It is possible to hold Ctrl. }}

OpenInventor navigation


在Openinventor导航中,参照Open Inventor(不要与Autodesk的inventor混淆)的操作,不能仅靠鼠标进行选取操作。要选择对象,必须按住Ctrl键。

该模式不基于Autodesk Inventor

选择 缩放 旋转视图 平移
Hold Shift, then press the left mouse button over an object you want to select.

Hold Ctrl instead to select multiple objects.

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.


按住鼠标左键,然后移动指针。 按住鼠标中键,然后移动鼠标。

|Rotate_view_text=Hold the left mouse button, then move the pointer.

|Pan_text=Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer. }}

OpenSCAD navigation

The OpenSCAD navigation style was modeled after OpenSCAD.

Select Zoom Rotate view Pan
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select.

version 0.21 and below Hold Ctrl and Shift when pressing the mouse button to drag an object in a sketch in edit mode.

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Alternatively, hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer.

Or hold Shift and the right mouse button, then move the pointer.

Hold the left mouse button, then move the pointer.

Alternatively, and when a sketch is in edit mode, hold the middle mouse button, then press and hold the right mouse button, then move the pointer.

Hold the right mouse button, then move the pointer.


The Revit navigation style was modeled after Revit.

选择 缩放 旋转视图 Pan
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select.
使用鼠标滚轮放大和缩小。 Hold Shift and the middle mouse button, then move the pointer.



|Pan_text=Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer.


TinkerCAD navigation

The TinkerCAD navigation style was modeled after TinkerCAD.

Select Zoom Rotate view Pan
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Press the right mouse button, then move the pointer. Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer.


With the Touchpad navigation style, panning, zooming, and rotating the view require a modifier key together with the touchpad. This style can also be used with a mouse.


选取 缩放 旋转视图 平移
Ctrl+Shift+ Alt+ Shift+ Shift+
在要选择的对象上按鼠标左键。 使用 PageUpPageDown进行缩放操作. 按住Alt,然后移动鼠标. 按住 Shift,然后移动鼠标.

|Ctrl=Ctrl |Shift=Shift |Alt=Alt

|Select_text=Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select.

|Zoom_text=Hold Ctrl and Shift, then move the pointer.

|Rotate_view_text=Hold Alt, then move the pointer.

Alternatively, hold Shift and the left button, then move the pointer.

|Pan_text=Hold Shift, then move the pointer. }}


FreeCAD 也支持一些3D输入设备.

Mac OS X问题
