Std LinkUnlink

Std LinkUnlink

Menu location
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Std LinkMake, Std LinkMakeRelative, Std LinkReplace


Std LinkUnlink is essentially the opposite operation to Std LinkReplace.

This operation is used to remove a Link from a container like Std Part, and instead place the real object inside.


  1. Make sure you have a Link that is inside a container, for example, a Link to a Part Sphere inside a Std Part.
  2. Select the internal Link in the tree view.
  3. Press Unlink.

The original Sphere must now be inside the Std Part, and the Link must be outside. Now this Link can be deleted if it's no longer needed, and it won't break the container.

A Link inside another object is unlinked, and the real object is placed inside instead.

A Link inside a group is unlinked, and the real object is placed inside instead.