Video tutorials/ru
Обратите внимание на версию FreeCAD, используемую в руководстве. Если в учебнике используется более старая версия программы, общий процесс моделирования может по-прежнему работать, но некоторые инструменты могут быть изменены в более новых версиях. Не добавляйте видео, снятые в версии 0.16 или более ранней, так как эти выпуски считаются устаревшими.
На этой странице представлена подборка видеоуроков, созданных пользователями и разработчиками FreeCAD. Посетите подфорум Учебники и видео для получения дополнительных ссылок. Полезный источник видеоуроков - YouTube.
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Если вы хотите внести свой вклад в написание вики-документации и учебных пособий, см. Помощь по FreeCAD, общие правила вики в ВикиСтраницах и следуйте учебному руководству .
Product design
Videos that go through modeling of various solid objects using workbenches such as
PartDesign, and
Since there are many videos that deal with this topic, please visit Video tutorials for product design.
Technical drawings
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
- sliptonic playlists: various videos on using FreeCAD, working with TechDraw and particularly the Path Workbench, by sliptonic, one of the main developers of the latter.
- Using FreeCAD version 0.17 Path Workbench: a series of 9 videos that explain how to use the Path Workbench including the tools and controllers, job setup, visualization, operations, dressups, units, and preferences.
- Coder Musashi videos: various videos on using the Path Workbench.
- Mango Jelly YouTube Videos: MangoJelly's tutorials on many parts of FreeCAD including CAM. These are not "official" but have been recommended by quite a few people.
- Toronto Tool Library YouTube Videos: Some interesting videos on using FreeCAD and CNC.
- Open Source CNC: Some interesting videos on using FreeCAD and CNC, also some FreeCAD CAM tutorial videos.
- Adventures in creation: Some interesting videos/tutorials on using FreeCAD to make things.
Visualization and rendering
Architectural design
Videos that go through modeling of rooms, houses, office buildings, and similar structures, and drawing floor plans, using workbenches such as
Draft and
Since there are many videos that deal with this topic, please visit Video tutorials for architectural design.
Finite element (FEM) simulation
- How To Use FreeCAD FEM [12:15] FreeCAD v0.19, Intro to using the FEM workbench. Very well done, by Joko Engineering
- FreeCAD Tutorials - GENERAL by AllVisuals4U: FreeCAD 0.16, a series of 28 short videos on general aspects of FreeCAD; for example, it shows how to change units, background color, the splash screen, constraints, set perspective view, set transparency, change the size of toolbar icons, prepare for 3D print, and extrude text. Some more advanced instructions include how to do logo design, metal bending, and assembly. Most videos describe FreeCAD 0.16, but since they don't focus on modelling aspects, the information is generally applicable for other versions.
- flowwie's corner by flowwie in German: a nice series of 62 short videos concerning FreeCAD 0.18 and 0.19, from basic to intermediate level.
- Evgeniy Ivanov by Evgeniy Ivanov in English: a nice series of videos concerning FreeCAD 0.19, from basic to intermediate level.
Документация пользователя
- Начинающим
- Установка: Загрузка, Windows, Linux, Mac,
Дополнительных компонентов, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Базовая: О FreeCAD, Интерфейс, Навигация мыши, Методы выделения, Имя объекта, Настройки, Верстаки, Структура документа, Свойства, Помоги FreeCAD, Пожертвования
- Помощь: Учебники, Видео учебники
- Верстаки: Std Base, Arch, Assembly, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework