Draft DXF is a software module used by the
Std Open,
Std Import and
Std Export commands to handle the DXF file format.
Qcad drawing exported to DXF, which is subsequently opened in FreeCAD
Данная функция открывает файл DXF (любую версию от 12 до 2007) в новом документе.
В настоящее время поддерживаются следующие типы объектов DXF:
- линии
- полилинии и LW-полилинии (простые полилинии)
- окружности
- дуги
- слои (слои содержащие объекты преобразуются в группы FreeCAD)
- текст и M-текст
- размеры
- блоки (только геометрия, текст, размеры и атрибуты внутри блока будут пропущены)
- точки introduced in version 0.13
- выноски introduced in version 0.13
Остальные элементы DXF в настоящее время не импортируются, так как им нет соответствующих объектов FreeCAD. По мере добавления нового функционала, станет возможным импортировать остальные элементы DXF.
Two importers are available, which one is used can be specified under Edit → Preferences... → Import-Export → DXF. One is built-in, C++-based and fast, the other is legacy, coded in Python, slower, and requires the installation of an add-on, but can handle some entities better and can create more refined FreeCAD objects. Both support all DXF versions starting from R12.
3D solids inside a DXF file are stored under a binary ACIS/SAT blob, which at the moment cannot be read by FreeCAD.
C++ importer
This importer can import the following DXF objects:
- lines
- polylines (and lwpolylines)
- arcs
- circles
- ellipses
- splines
- points
- texts and mtexts
- dimensions
- leaders
- blocks (only geometry, texts, dimensions and attributes inside blocks are skipped)
- layers
- paper space objects
Legacy importer
This importer can import the following DXF objects:
- lines
- polylines (and lwpolylines)
- arcs
- circles
- ellipses
- splines
- 3D faces
- texts and mtexts
- leaders
- layers
Экспортируемый файл DXF совместим с Autocad версии 12 и новее, поэтому он должен открываться в практически любом приложении поддерживающем формат DXF.
В настоящее время поддерживается экспорт следующих объектов FreeCAD:
- линии и многоточечные линии (полилинии)
- дуги и окружности
- текст
- цвета отображаются из RGB в цветовой индекс Autocad (ACI). Чёрный всегда будет отображён в цвет "по слою"
- слои отображаются по именам групп. При вложенных группах, имя слою даёт самая глубоко вложенная группа.
- размеры, которые экспортируются со стилем "стандартный"
There are also two exporters. The legacy exporter exports to the R12 DXF format, the C++ exporter to the R14 DXF format. Both formats can be handled by many applications.
C++ exporter
Some of the features and limitations of this exporter are:
- All FreeCAD 2D geometry is exported, except Draft CubicBezCurves, Draft BezCurves and Draft Points.
- Straight edges from faces of 3D objects are exported, but curved edges only if they are on a plane parallel to the XY plane of the global coordinate system. Note that a DXF created from 3D objects will contain duplicate lines.
- Texts and dimensions are not exported.
- Colors are ignored.
- Layers are mapped from object names.
Legacy exporter
Some of the features and limitations of this exporter are:
- All FreeCAD 2D geometry is exported, except Draft Points. But ellipses, B-splines and Bézier curves are not exported properly.
- 3D objects are exported as flattened 2D views.
- Compound objects are exported as blocks.
- Texts and dimensions are exported.
- The colors in the DXF are based on the line color of objects. Black is mapped to "ByBlock", other colors are mapped using AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) colors.
- Layers are mapped from layer and group names. When groups are nested, the deepest group gives the layer name.
Внимание! По причине лицензирования библиотеки импорта и экспорта DXF более не входят в исходный код FreeCAD. Поэтому данные библиотеки должны быть установлены пользователем, после установки FreeCAD. Это может быть сделано автоматически или вручную.
See Import Export Preferences.
Because the DWG format is a proprietary, closed and undocumented format it is hard for open-source projects like FreeCAD to support it. That is why FreeCAD relies on external converters to read and write DWG files. To import a DWG file a converter is used to create a DXF first, which can then be processed by the FreeCAD DXF importer. When exporting to DWG the opposite conversion happens: the DXF created by the FreeCAD DXF exporter is turned into a DWG.
Note that the DXF format allows a 1:1 conversion of the DWG format. All applications that can read and write DWG files can do the same with DXF files, with no data loss. So asking for DXF files instead of DWG files, and supplying DXF files in turn, should not cause any problems.
There is built-in support for the following DWG converters:
See Import Export Preferences and FreeCAD and DWG Import for more information.
See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.
To export objects to DXF use the export
method of the importDXF module.
importDXF.export(objectslist, filename, nospline=False, lwPoly=False)
- For the Windows OS: use a / (forward slash) as the path separator in
import FreeCAD as App
import Draft
import importDXF
doc = App.newDocument()
polygon1 = Draft.make_polygon(3, radius=500)
polygon2 = Draft.make_polygon(5, radius=1500)
objects = [polygon1, polygon2]
importDXF.export(objects, "/home/user/Pictures/myfile.dxf")
- Drafting: Line, Polyline, Fillet, Arc, Arc by 3 points, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, B-spline, Cubic Bézier curve, Bézier curve, Point, Facebinder, ShapeString, Hatch
- Annotation: Text, Dimension, Label, Annotation styles, Annotation scale
- Modification: Move, Rotate, Scale, Mirror, Offset, Trimex, Stretch, Clone, Array, Polar array, Circular array, Path array, Path link array, Point array, Point link array, Edit, Subelement highlight, Join, Split, Upgrade, Downgrade, Wire to B-spline, Draft to sketch, Set slope, Flip dimension, Shape 2D view
- Draft Tray: Select plane, Set style, Toggle construction mode, AutoGroup
- Snapping: Snap lock, Snap endpoint, Snap midpoint, Snap center, Snap angle, Snap intersection, Snap perpendicular, Snap extension, Snap parallel, Snap special, Snap near, Snap ortho, Snap grid, Snap working plane, Snap dimensions, Toggle grid
- Miscellaneous: Apply current style, Layer, Manage layers, Add a new named group, Move to group, Select group, Add to construction group, Toggle normal/wireframe display, Create working plane proxy, Heal, Show snap toolbar
- Additional: Constraining, Pattern, Preferences, Import Export Preferences, DXF/DWG, SVG, OCA, DAT
- Context menu:
Документация пользователя
- Начинающим
- Установка: Загрузка, Windows, Linux, Mac,
Дополнительных компонентов, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Базовая: О FreeCAD, Интерфейс, Навигация мыши, Методы выделения, Имя объекта, Настройки, Верстаки, Структура документа, Свойства, Помоги FreeCAD, Пожертвования
- Помощь: Учебники, Видео учебники
- Верстаки: Std Base, Arch, Assembly, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework