ローカライゼーションとは、ソフトウェアのユーザーインターフェースを多言語で提供するプロセスのことを言います。FreeCADでは、Edit → Preferences → Generalでユーザーインターフェースの言語を設定できます。FreeCADは、Qtの機能を使って多言語対応しています。Unix/Linuxシステム上では、デフォルトはシステムの現在のlocaleになります。
FreeCAD utilizes a third party collaborative on-line translation system called Crowdin.
It is proprietary software but free to FOSS projects. Below are instructions on how to use it:
Note: Details on how to use crowdin can be found on the Crowdin Administration page.
Visit Translating an external workbench.
Starting with FreeCAD 0.20, the following variables can be manually added to the BaseApp/Preferences/General section of the user.cfg file to assist with the development of new translations:
AdditionalLanguageDomainEntries - to add entirely new languages to FreeCAD that are not currently supported by the source code, you can use this user preference to add to the list of available languages. The format of the languages is "Language Name"="code"; for example:
<FCText Name="AdditionalLanguageDomainEntries">"Esperanto"="eo";"French"="fr";</FCText>
AdditionalTranslationsDirectory - add an additional directory for FreeCAD to search for *.qm files. This location will take precedence over $userAppDataDir/translations and $resourceDir/translations. For example:
<FCText Name="AdditionalTranslationsDirectory">C:/Users/FreeCADUser/TestTranslations</FCText>
Wikiを翻訳するには、編集権限が必要です。 wikiの編集権限を取得する方法を参照してください。
<translate> ... </translate>
翻訳機能がどのように動作するのかを確認するために、Main Page(英語)をアクセスしてみてください。自動的に生成される言語バーが丈夫に表示されているはずです。日本語(Japanese)をクリックすると、Main Page/jaが表示されます。タイトル「メインページ(in English "Main Page")の下に、このページはページ Main Page を「翻訳」したものです。翻訳は XX% 完了しています。と表示されているはずです。XXは現在の翻訳率です。上部の「翻訳」を押すと、翻訳のためのツールが起動し、翻訳、修正、レビューができます。
翻訳をどう勧めたらいいのかわからないときは、躊躇せず、FreeCADフォーラムのDevelopment → Wiki subforumまたは言語ごとのフォーラムで質問してください。
These instructions are for historical background only. Translations should use the new system with the #Mediawiki Translation Extension described above. |
So the first step is to check if the manual translation has already been started for your language (look in the left sidebar, under "manual").
Page Naming Convention
#REDIRECT [[About_FreeCAD/fr]]
{{docnav/fr|[[Online_Help_Startpage/fr|Bienvenue dans l'aide en ligne de FreeCAD]]|[[Feature_list/fr|Fonctionnalités]]}} The page "Bienvenue dans l'aide en ligne de FreeCAD" redirects to Online_Help_Startpage/fr, and the page "Fonctionnalités" redirects to Feature_list/fr. |
This section is for developers who want to add localisation to their code.
These are the parts to the FreeCAD translation process:
All of the above steps are performed by the "translation scripts" which are run by an administrator periodically.
Preparing your module for translation is quite easy. First, you need to ensure that you have a "translations" directory in myModule/Gui/Resources. Then open a terminal window (or Windows/OSX equivalent) in your "translations" directory and enter the following command:
lupdate -ts myModule.ts
This creates an empty translation file. Once this is done, you need to ensure that the translation scripts are updated as in this pull request.
Everything after this is automatic as far as a developer is concerned. The administrator will extract the text strings, the translators will translate them, then the administrator will extract the translations and update FreeCAD/master.
3rd party modules or macros are translated in much the same fashion, except that you must do some of the work yourself. This forum discussion describes the details.
Update: see Translating an external workbench
Currently FreeCAD maintainers use the Crowdin API via Crowdin Scripts to pull and push translations in to Crowdin and back in to the Github repo. The Crowdin API gives FreeCAD maintainers the ability to automate aspects of the project's translation workflow, for more info refer to the Crowdin API documentation.
See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.
To get a dictionary with the languages the FreeCAD interface supports, use the supportedLocales
method of the FreeCADGui
locales = FreeCADGui.supportedLocales()
After execution locales
will contain:
{'English': 'en', 'Afrikaans': 'af', 'Arabic': 'ar', 'Basque': 'eu', 'Catalan': 'ca', 'Chinese Simplified': 'zh-CN', 'Chinese Traditional': 'zh-TW', 'Croatian': 'hr', 'Czech': 'cs', 'Dutch': 'nl', 'Filipino': 'fil', 'Finnish': 'fi', 'French': 'fr', 'Galician': 'gl', 'German': 'de', 'Hungarian': 'hu', 'Indonesian': 'id', 'Italian': 'it', 'Japanese': 'ja', 'Kabyle': 'kab', 'Korean': 'ko', 'Lithuanian': 'lt', 'Norwegian': 'no', 'Polish': 'pl', 'Portuguese': 'pt-PT', 'Portuguese, Brazilian': 'pt-BR', 'Romanian': 'ro', 'Russian': 'ru', 'Slovak': 'sk', 'Slovenian': 'sl', 'Spanish': 'es-ES', 'Swedish': 'sv-SE', 'Turkish': 'tr', 'Ukrainian': 'uk', 'Valencian': 'val-ES', 'Vietnamese': 'vi'}
To get the current interface language use the getLocale
method of the same module:
locale = FreeCADGui.getLocale()
If the current language is English locale
will contain:
To get the corresponding language code you can use use:
locale = FreeCADGui.supportedLocales()[Gui.getLocale()]
If the current language is English the result will be:
To set the current interface language use the setLocale
method of the same module. You can specify the language or the language code: