FEM ConstraintSpring/ru
FEM ConstraintSpring
Menu location
Model → Mechanical boundary conditions and loads → Spring
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Defines a spring boundary condition to be used for mechanical analyses using the
Elmer solver.
introduced in version 0.21: The spring constraint can be used for the equations
Deformation and
- Either use the toolbar button
Spring or the menu Model → Mechanical boundary conditions and loads →
- Press the Add button.
- In the 3D view select the faces to which the spring should be applied. To remove faces from the selection, press the Remove button and click on them.
- Specify the normal or tangential stiffness (in N/m) and select which one Elmer should use.
- Solve: CalculiX Standard, Elmer, Mystran, Z88; Equations: Deformation, Elasticity, Electrostatic, Electricforce, Magnetodynamic, Magnetodynamic 2D, Flow, Flux, Heat; Solver: Solver control, Solver run
- Results: Purge, Show; Postprocessing: Apply changes, Pipeline from result, Warp filter, Scalar clip filter, Function cut filter, Region clip filter, Contours filter, Line clip filter, Stress linearization plot, Data at point clip filter, Filter function plane, Filter function sphere, Filter function cylinder, Filter function box
Документация пользователя
- Начинающим
- Установка: Загрузка, Windows, Linux, Mac,
Дополнительных компонентов, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Базовая: О FreeCAD, Интерфейс, Навигация мыши, Методы выделения, Имя объекта, Настройки, Верстаки, Структура документа, Свойства, Помоги FreeCAD, Пожертвования
- Помощь: Учебники, Видео учебники
- Верстаки: Std Base, Arch, Assembly, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework