FEM ConstraintDisplacement/ru

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FEM ConstraintDisplacement

Расположение в меню
Model → Mechanical Constraints → Constraint displacement
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FEM tutorial


Creates a FEM boundary condition for a prescribed displacement of a selected object for specified degrees of freedom.

The FEM displacement task panel


  1. Press the Displacement boundary condition button or select the menu Model → Mechanical boundary conditions and loads → Displacement boundary condition.
  2. Press the Add button.
  3. In the 3D view select the object the boundary condition should be applied to, which can be a vertex, edge, or face (but all the selected objects have to be of the same type). To remove objects from the list, press the Remove button and click on them.
  4. Check the boxes next to the degrees of freedom that you want to use. By default, they are set to zero (fixed) but any value (introduced in 0.21: or a formula for Elmer) can be specified. Rotations make sense only for beam and shell elements.


introduced in 0.21


For the solver Elmer it is possible to define the displacement as a formula. In this case the solver sets the displacement according to the given formula variable.

Take for example the case that we want to perform a transient analysis. For every time step the displacement should be increased by 6 mm:

enter this in the Formula field:
Variable "time"; Real MATC "0.006*tx"

This code has the following syntax:


Elmer only uses the Displacement * fields of the boundary condition. To define rotations, we need a formula.

If for example a face should be rotated according to this condition:

then we need to enter for Displacement x
Variable "time, Coordinate" Real MATC "(cos(tx(0)*pi)-1.0)*tx(1)-sin(tx(0)*pi)*tx(2)

and for Displacement y
Variable "time, Coordinate" Real MATC "(cos(tx(0)*pi)-1.0)*tx(2)+sin(tx(0)*pi)*tx(1)

This code has the following syntax:


For the solver CalculiX: