Уравнение гибкости
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FEM tutorial
This equation describes the mechanical properties of solid bodies.
For info about the math of the equation, see the Elmer models manual, section Linear Elasticity.
- After adding an Elmer solver as described here, select it in the tree view.
- Now either use the toolbar button
or the menu Solve → Mechanical equations → Elasticity equation.
- Change the equation's solver settings or the general solver settings if necessary.
Note: For analyses of nonlinear elasticity you must use the
Deformation equation (introduced in version 0.21). The Elasticity equation is only for linear elasticity.
Note: If you use more than one CPU core for the solver (introduced in version 0.21), you cannot use the default solver settings. However, using just one CPU and the default solver settings is in many cases faster than using several CPUs because the elasticity solver is only fast when ДанныеLinear Solver Type is set to Direct (the default, described here). For multi-CPU solving one can only use the ДанныеLinear Direct Method MUMPS. However, MUMPS is not freely available as a direct download.
Solver Settings
For the general solver settings, see the Elmer solver settings.
The elasticity equation provides these special settings:
- ДанныеCalculate Pangle: If the principal angles should be calculated.
- ДанныеCalculate Principal: If all stresses should be calculated.
- ДанныеCalculate Strains: If strains will be calculated. This will also calculate the stresses, even if ДанныеCalculate Principal or ДанныеCalculate Stresses is
- ДанныеCalculate Stresses: If stresses should be calculated. Compared to ДанныеCalculate Principal the Tresca yield criterion and the principal stress will not be calculated.
- ДанныеConstant Bulk System: See the Elmer manual for more info.
- ДанныеDisplace Mesh: If mesh can be deformed. This is by default
and must be set to false
for eigenfrequency analyses.
- ДанныеFix Displacement: If displacements or forces are set. thereby ДанныеModel Lumping is automatically used.
- ДанныеGeometric Stiffness: Considers the geometric stiffness of the body.
- ДанныеIncompressible: Computation of incompressible material in connection with viscoelastic Maxwell material and a custom ДанныеVariable.
- ДанныеMaxwell Material: Compute the viscoelastic material model.
- ДанныеModel Lumping: Uses model lumping.
- ДанныеModel Lumping Filename: File to save the results from the model lumping.
- ДанныеStability Analysis: If
ДанныеEigen Analysis becomes a stability analysis (buckling analysis). Otherwise a modal analysis is performed.
- ДанныеUpdate Transient System: See the Elmer manual for more info.
- ДанныеVariable: The variable for the elasticity equation. Only change this if ДанныеIncompressible is set to
in accordance to the Elmer manual.
- ДанныеEigen Analysis: If an eigen analysis should be performed (calculation of eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies).
- ДанныеEigen System Complex: Should be
if the eigen system is complex. it must be false
for a damped eigen value analyses.
- ДанныеEigen System Compute Residuals: Computes residuals of the eigen value system.
- ДанныеEigen System Damped: Set a damped eigen analysis. Can only be used if ДанныеLinear Solver Type is Iterative.
- ДанныеEigen System Select: Selection of which eigenvalues are computed. Note that the selection of Largest* cause an infinite run for recent Elmer solver (as of August 2022).
- ДанныеEigen System Tolerance: Convergence tolerance for iterative eigensystem solve. The default is 100 times the ДанныеLinear Tolerance.
- ДанныеEigen System Values: The number of the highest eigenmode that should be calculated.
- ДанныеPlane Stress: Computes solution according to the plane stress situation. Applies only for 2D geometry.
Analysis Feature Information
The elasticity equation takes the following analysis features into account if they are set:
- Except for calculations in 2D, for all the above analysis features it is important that they act on a face. Features in 3D set to lines or vertices are not recognized by the Elmer solver.
Eigenmode Analysis
To perform an eigenmode analysis (calculation if the eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies), you need to
- Set ДанныеEigen Analysis to
- Set ДанныеDisplace Mesh to
- Set ДанныеEigen System Values to the highest number of eigenmodes you are interested in. The smaller this number the shorter the solver runtime since higher modes can be omitted from computation.
- Add a fixed boundary condition and set at least one face of the body as fixed.
- Run the solver.
It is highly recommended to use ДанныеLinear Solver Type set to Direct (the default) because this is much faster and the results are more accurate.
Buckling Analysis
To perform a buckling analysis, you need to do the same as for an Eigenmode Analysis, and additionally:
- Set ДанныеStability Analysis to
The available results depend on the solver settings. If none of the ДанныеCalculate * settings was set to true
, only the displacement is calculated. Otherwise also the corresponding results will be available. If ДанныеEigen Analysis was set to true
all results will be available for every calculated eigenmode.
If ДанныеEigen Analysis was set to true
, the eigenfrequencies are output at the end of the solver log in the solver dialog and also in the document SolverElmerOutput that will be created in the tree view after the solver has finished.
Note: The eigenmode displacement
vector has an arbitrary value since the result is
is the eigenvector and
is a complex number.
- Solve: CalculiX Standard, Elmer, Mystran, Z88; Equations: Deformation, Elasticity, Electrostatic, Electricforce, Magnetodynamic, Magnetodynamic 2D, Flow, Flux, Heat; Solver: Solver control, Solver run
- Results: Purge, Show; Postprocessing: Apply changes, Pipeline from result, Warp filter, Scalar clip filter, Function cut filter, Region clip filter, Contours filter, Line clip filter, Stress linearization plot, Data at point clip filter, Filter function plane, Filter function sphere, Filter function cylinder, Filter function box
Документация пользователя
- Начинающим
- Установка: Загрузка, Windows, Linux, Mac,
Дополнительных компонентов, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Базовая: О FreeCAD, Интерфейс, Навигация мыши, Методы выделения, Имя объекта, Настройки, Верстаки, Структура документа, Свойства, Помоги FreeCAD, Пожертвования
- Помощь: Учебники, Видео учебники
- Верстаки: Std Base, Arch, Assembly, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework