FEM SolverControl/ru

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Управление решателем

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Запустить решатель


This command is used to control the FEM solver (write the input file, edit it, and trigger the solver).


  1. Select the Solver object in the Tree view, e.g., for CalcuilX solver SolverCcxTools.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Solver job control button.
    • Select the Solve → Solver job control option from the menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: S then T.
  3. Optionally, edit working directory.
  4. Optionally, select analysis type.
  5. Click Write .inp file to write the input file.
  6. Optionally, click Edit .inp file.
    • Input file will open so you can edit it and save by Ctrl+S.
  7. Click Run CalculiX to trigger the solver.
    • The solution may take considerable time for large models.
