The Robot Workbench is unmaintained. If you have experience with the topic and are interested in maintaining it, please state your intention in the developer's section of the FreeCAD forum.
The reason this workbench is still in the master source code is because this workbench is programmed in C++. If this workbench could be programmed in Python, then it could be made an external workbench and it could be moved to a separate repository.
Robot arbetsbänken är ett verktyg för simulering av 6-axliga industrirobotar, som t.ex. Kuka.
Denna arbetsbänk är ett pågående arbete för att implementera ett off-line programmeringsverktyg för Robot_6-Axis industrirobotar i FreeCAD.
You can do following tasks:
set up a simulation environment with a robot and work pieces
create and fill up trajectories
decompose features of an CAD part to a trajectory
simulate the robot movement and reachability
export the trajectory to a robot program file
You can do the following tasks:
Set up a simulation environment with a robot and work pieces.
Create and fill up movement trajectories.
Decompose features of a CAD part to a trajectory.
Simulate the robot movement and reaching distance.