Macro FCCircularText

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Macro FCCircularText

This macro makes use of the Draft ShapeString tool to create a text line placed in different circular orientations, including circumferential and helical (in the fashion of a Trajan Column). It can also be used to create a clock face with Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, etc., or Roman numerals I, II, III, etc.

Macro version: 0.22e
Last modified: 2024/07/11
FreeCAD version: 0.19 and more
Download: ToolBar Icon
Author: Mario52
ToolBar Icon
Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
0.19 and more
Default shortcut
See also


This macro makes use of the Draft ShapeString tool to create a text line placed in different circular orientations, including circumferential and helical in the fashion of a Trajan's Column. It can also be used to create a clock face with Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, etc., or Roman numerals I, II, III, etc. This latter usage was inspired by the Forum thread Macro to Create Clock Face by FC community member, cblt2l.

Temporary code for external macro link. Do not use this code. This code is used exclusively by Addon Manager. Link for optional manual installation: Macro

# This code is copied instead of the original macro code
# to guide the user to the online download page.
# Use it if the code of the macro is larger than 64 KB and cannot be included in the wiki
# or if the RAW code URL is somewhere else in the wiki.

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

diag = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Information,
    "This macro must be downloaded from this link\n"
    "" + "\n"
    "Quit this window to access the download page")


import webbrowser"")
<class="rawcodeurl"><a href="">raw code</a>

360 degree orientation

Example of the macro displaying text in a 360 degree orientation


Launch the macro folder FcString for created characters and a file FcClock for created clocks.

All the characters are and remain independent. When creating extrusions nothing is deleted. If Compound is created with Run Comp it is copied out of the folder.

The options are shaded by default and are active in all functions if they are checked :

Except for one Clock Service Placement box Z is activated and moves the text in the direction Z to place the text on the support surface.





First section

Options available

After the first use, you must modify the following parameters:

User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/FCCircularText








  1. switchModeTextList= false
  2. switchFontComBox = false
  3. setSystemFonts = false
  4. seTtextAlignement = 0

  1. switchModeTextList= true
  2. switchFontComBox = false
  3. setSystemFonts = false
  4. seTtextAlignement = 0

  1. switchModeTextList= true
  2. switchFontComBox = false
  3. setSystemFonts = false
  4. seTtextAlignement = 1 (0=Left, 1=Centered, 2=Right)

  1. switchModeTextList= true
  2. switchFontComBox = true
  3. setSystemFonts = false
  4. seTtextAlignement = 1

Second Section

Configuring characters in FCCircularText

First zone

Your choice:

Second area

This section allows you to configure the overall behavior of characters in all the choices available but with some variation. If the command is not used in the option chosen, it will be grayed out.


Default mode. The text is written on the outside of the circumference of the circle.


The text is written on the inner side of the circumference of the circle


The text is entered on the outer circumference of a helix.


The figures are part of a circle with Arabic numerals or Romans.

Path section

The title section change and display the length of the wire selected.

If you select one wire, arc, circle, line and edge the section Path is coloured in green and the unused command coloured in red

  1. Orthogonal the character is Orthogonal to the view
  2. Tangent the character is Tangent to point path on wire
  1. BB Base the point base of the character is to point path on the wire
  2. BB Center the bounBox center of the character is to point path on the wire
  3. BB Top the top boundBox of the character is to point path on the wire

the last Radio Button used is saved in the parameter of FreeCAD

Command section

Parameters available

Certain parameter are available in the parameters of FreeCAD see: Menu → Tools → Edit parameters...

Launch the macro folder FcString for created characters and a file FcClock for created clocks.


The button icon:

- in .PNG

- in .SVG

(See Customize_Toolbars for more)



or download the script :

- on github Macro_FCCircularText.FCMacro

- at the forum Extrude from curved surface of cylinder


Example onto Ellipse

Mode relief:

Example section path


Note it is possible that an error may occur between versions. Please post the issue on the forum and wait for the updated fix or rollback to a previous version of the macro. Thank you)

It is possible that two characters may overlap. If this happens, here's a workaround is available using the Rotate-To-Point Macro.

(not fully developed)


Writing on a path circular text of position object selected.

Change log

see Curved text on a flat surface?

sel = Gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()
#delete objects
#restore previous selection
for s in sel:

ver 16d 2020/09/15 : see the MasterCATZ commented Sep 14, 2020 message

delette the FC 0.18 test section:

#### Test FreeCAD.Version simple ############################################################################################################
if int(FreeCAD.Version()[1]) < 18:      # Version de FreeCAD
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("This version " + __Title__ + " rmu  work with the FreeCAD 0.18 or higher." + "\n\n")
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("For the precedent version see the page " + "\n\n")
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("" + "\n\n")
#### Test FreeCAD.Version simple ############################################################################################################
OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
Word size of OS: 64-bit
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.19.20655 (Git)
Build type: Release
Branch: master
Hash: e8e67e8c5ebbc9f9ed9ea67aba5b891969595ece
Python version: 3.6.8
Qt version: 5.12.1
Coin version: 4.0.0a
OCC version: 7.3.0
       carDegrees = b' \xc2\xb0'.decode("utf-8")    #thanks wmayer
latest testing:

#OS: Windows 10
#Word size of OS: 64-bit
#Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Version: 0.19.16523 (Git)
#Build type: Release
#Branch: master
#Hash: 9b3ec233c8b21e0df66fada487cd10f471d60cac
#Python version: 3.6.6
#Qt version: 5.6.2
#Coin version: 4.0.0a
#OCC version: 7.3.0

replace the line

for angleTr in range(debut,rotation,((rotation-debut)/nombre)):


for angleTrFloat in range((debut*10000),(rotation*10000),int((round(((float(rotation)-float(debut))/float(nombre)),4)*10000)) ):    # pour 4 decimales
                angleTr = (float(angleTrFloat)/10000)
supp.MakeFace = True


self.DS_InclinaisonX.setSuffix(" X°")
        self.DS_InclinaisonY.setSuffix(" Y°")
        self.DS_InclinaisonZ.setSuffix(" Z°")


self.DS_InclinaisonX.setSuffix(unicode(" X°"))
        self.DS_InclinaisonY.setSuffix(unicode(" Y°"))
        self.DS_InclinaisonZ.setSuffix(unicode(" Z°"))
# ver 0.8 10/05/2015 /_ # testing with OS :
# OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS                          # OS: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
# Platform: 32-bit                                # Word size of OS: 32-bit
# Version: 0.14.2935 (Git)                        # Word size of FreeCAD: 32-bit
# Branch: master                                  # Version: 0.16.4928 (Git)
# Hash: eab159b6ee675012bf79de838c206a311e911d85  # Branch: master
# Python version: 2.7.6                           # Hash: d8f63bcfd10301f3d1e141cced4370f0782238d0
# Qt version: 4.8.6                               # Python version: 2.7.6
# Coin version: 4.0.0a                            # Qt version: 4.8.6
# SoQt version: 1.6.0a                            # Coin version: 4.0.0a
# OCC version: 6.7.0                              # OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17
# OS: Windows Vista                               # OS: Windows Vista
# Word size of OS: 32-bit                         # Word size of OS: 32-bit
# Word size of FreeCAD: 32-bit                    # Word size of FreeCAD: 32-bit
# Version: 0.15.4527 (Git)                        # Version: 0.15.4671 (Git)
# Branch: master                                  # Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-15
# Hash: 0da2e4c45a9a259c26abd54c2a35393e1c15696f  # Hash: 244b3aef360841646cbfe80a1b225c8b39c8380c
# Python version: 2.7.8                           # Python version: 2.7.8
# Qt version: 4.8.6                               # Qt version: 4.8.6
# Coin version: 4.0.0a                            # Coin version: 4.0.0a
# OCC version: 6.7.1                              # OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17



To comment on the Extrude from curved surface of cylinder