TechDraw ExtensionLinePerpendicular

Other languages:

TechDraw ExtensionLinePerpendicular

Menu location
TechDraw → Extensions: Centerlines/Threading → Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
TechDraw ExtensionLineParallel


The TechDraw ExtensionLinePerpendicular tool adds a cosmetic line perpendicular to another line through a vertex.

On the right an added cosmetic perpendicular line


  1. Optionally specify the line attributes with the TechDraw ExtensionSelectLineAttributes tool.
  2. Select a straight edge to determine the direction and the length of the line.
  3. Select a vertex to determine the position of the line.
  4. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • Press the Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line button.
    • Select the TechDraw → Extensions: Centerlines/Threading → Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line option from the menu.
  5. A cosmetic line is added.