PartDesign Pocket/cs



'Vytvoří kapsu podle vybraného náčrtu' - Tento nástroj vezme vybraný náčrt a vytvoří s ním kapsu. Pojem kapsa je používán pro vysunutí náčtru tak, že odebírá objem z konstrukce do které proniká. Například, je-li náčrt tvořen jednoduše kružnicí na jedné ploše kostky, pak nástroj kapsa vytvoří díru 'vyvrtanou' do kostky:

Sketch profile (A) was mapped to the top face of base solid (B); result after pocketing through on the right.


  1. Select a single sketch or one or more faces from the Body.
  2. Press the Pocket button.
  3. Set the Pocket parameters, see Options below.
  4. Press the OK button.


When creating a pocket, or after double-clicking an existing pocket in the Tree view, the Pocket parameters task panel is shown. It offers the following settings:


Type offers five different ways of specifying the length of the pocket:


Při vytváření kapsy nabízí dialogové okno 'parametrů kapsy' čtyři různé způsoby pro zadání hloubky do jaké bude kapsa vysunuta


Zadání číselné hodnoty pro hloubku kapsy. Defaultní směr pro vysunutí je do podkladu. Vysunutí je ve směru kolmém k definované rovině náčrtu. Záporné hodnoty nejsou možné.

Do první

Kapsa bude vysunuta až do první plochy podkladu ve směru vysunutí. Jinými slovy odebírá všechen materiál až dokud nenarazí na prázdný prostor.

Skrz celý

Kapsa vyseká všechen materiál ve směru vysunutí. S volbou Symetricky k rovině bude kapsa vysekána celým materiálem v obou směrech.

Až k ploše

Kapsa bude vysunuta až k ploše podkladu, která může být vybrána kliknutím na ni.

Through all

The pocket will extend up to the last face of the support it encounters in its direction. With the option Symmetric to plane the pocket will cut through all material in both directions. Note that for technical reasons, Through All is actually a 10 meter deep pocket. If you need deeper pockets, use the type Dimension.

To first

The pocket will extend up to the first face of the support it encounters in its direction.

Up to face

The pocket will extend up to a face. Press the Select face button and select a face or a datum plane from the Body.

Two dimensions

This allows to enter a second length in which the pocket should extend in the opposite direction. The directions can be switched by checking the Reversed option.

Up to shape

introduced in version 1.0: The pocket will extend up to the selected shape. Optionally press the Select shape button and select a shape. Leave the Select all faces checkbox enabled or disable it, press the Select button and select the faces up to which the pocket should be created.

Offset to face

Offset from face at which the pocket will end. This option is only available if Type is Through all, To first or Up to face.


Defines the length of the pocket. This option is only available if Type is Dimension or Two dimensions. The length is measured along the direction vector, or along the normal of the sketch or face. Negative values are not possible. Use the Reversed option instead.

2nd length

Defines the length of the pocket in the opposite direction. This option is only available if Type is Two dimensions.

Symmetric to plane

Check this option to extrude half the given length to either side of the sketch or face, if Type is Dimension, or Through all if that is the Type.


Reverses the direction of the pocket.



You can select the direction of the extrusion:

Show direction

If checked, the pocket direction will be shown. In case the pocket uses a Custom direction, it can be changed.

Length along sketch normal

If checked, the pocket length is measured along the sketch or face normal, otherwise along the custom direction.

Taper angle

Tapers the pocket in the extrusion direction by the given angle. A positive angle means the outer pocket border gets wider. Note that inner structures receive the opposite taper angle. This is done to facilitate the design of molds and molded parts. This option is only available if Type is Dimension or Two dimensions.

2nd taper angle

Tapers the pocket in the opposite extrusion direction by the given angle. See Taper angle. This option is only available if Type is Two dimensions.



Part Design


Sketch Based



  • Použijte Rozměr nebo Skrz vše kdykoliv je to možné, protože s ostatními typy jsou někdy problémy, když jsou vzorkovány
  • Jinak objekt kapsa má stejná omezení jako objekt Deska.