Material Edit/de
Material Bearbeiten
Materialien → Bearbeiten... Model → Materials → Material editor
Material, FEM
Eingeführt in Version
Siehe auch
FEM MaterialEditor
Das Werkzeug Material Bearbeiten ermöglicht den Zugang zum Material-Editor, der Teil von FreeCADs Material-System ist. Das Material-System kann von allen Arbeitsbereichen verwendet werden. Es verwaltet die Materialeigenschaften und auch die Darstellungseigenschaften von Objekten.
- There are several ways to launch the editor:
- Material Workbench:
- Press the
Edit... button.
- Select the Materials →
Edit... option from the menu.
- FEM Workbench:
- Press the
Material editor button.
- Select the Model → Materials →
Material editor option from the menu.
- All workbenches:
- Select an object.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the View →
Material... option from the menu.
- Select the
Material... option from the Tree view or 3D view context menu.
- The Material task panel opens.
- Press the Launch editor button.
- Select a material from the multilevel list in the left panel. The following categories are available:
- Favorites
- Recent
- System
- Appearance
- Fluid
- Machining
- Patterns
- Standard
- Test
- User
- Use the three tabs in the right panel of the editor to edit the properties of the selected material:
- General:
- Name
- Author
- License
- Parent
- Source URL
- Source Reference
- Tags
- Description
- Physical - various physical properties
- Appearance:
- Basic Rendering:
- Ambient Color
- Diffuse Color
- Emissive Color
- Shininess
- Specular Color
- Transparency
- Optionally use the buttons on the General tab:
- Press the New button to create a new material with empty properties.
- Press the Inherit New button to create a new material with properties copied from the selected material.
- Press the * button to add the selected material to the favorites.
- If material properties have been edited: press the Save button to save them.
- Do one of the following:
- Press the OK button to confirm the material selection and close the editor.
- Press the Cancel button to cancel the material selection and close the editor. This will not cancel changes to material properties that have already been saved.
- If the Material task panel is open: press the Close button to close it.
User documentation
- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework