4x4-Matrizen werden überall in FreeCAD verwendet und können auf eine der folgenden Weisen erstellt werden:
m = FreeCAD.Matrix() # m = the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_matrix identity matrix]
m = FreeCAD.Base.Matrix()
print m.A21() # print m[1][0]
Description: Computes the determinant of the matrix
Returns: a number.
Description: Returns the inverse of this matrix, if possible
Returns: a Matrix
Description: Inverts this matrix, if possible
Returns: nothing.
Description: Makes this matrix a translation matrix
Returns: nothing.
Description: Returns the cross product of a matrix or vector with this matrix
Returns: a Matrix
Description: Makes this matrix a rotation about X transform
Returns: nothing.
Description: Makes this matrix a rotation about Y transform
Returns: nothing.
Description: Makes this matrix a rotation about Z transform
Returns: nothing.
Description: Makes this matrix a scaling transform
Returns: nothing.
Description: Makes this matrix a transformation matrix based on Vector and Matrix
Returns: nothing.
Description: Makes this matrix the identity matrix
Returns: nothing.