PartDesign NewSketch/ro

PartDesign NewSketch

Menu location
Part Design → Create sketch
PartDesign, Complete
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


This tool creates a new sketch, creates a new PartDesign Body to contain the sketch if one does not exist and automatically opens the Sketcher workbench after creation.

When creating models using the PartDesign workbench, this tool should be preferred to the Sketcher NewSketch tool found in the Sketcher workbench.


  1. Click pe din toolbar, sau selectați PartDesign Create sketch sin meniul principal.


Select feature dialog. These settings create a sketch on the XY plane and allow cross-references from other items of the same body

Dialog settings

Allow external features options

To reference any items in the Workbench Sketcher use the External Geometry and CarbonCopy tools. Generally it is recommended to use other sketches as source for references rather than faces or edges, because they are less affected by the Topological Naming Issue.
