PartDesign Point/ru
Создает опорную точку, которую можно использовать для размещения эскизов или другой опорной геометрии.
A datum point attached to a sphere with an attachment offset of 2
in the Z direction.
- Press the
Create a datum point button.
- Define Point parameters. Select a first reference in the 3D view to filter the available attachment modes.
- Depending on the selected reference, there may be one or more attachment modes available in the the list. The most likely one will automatically be selected and shown in bold in the list. The text Attached with mode along with the attachment mode name will appear in green at the top of the Parameters panel.
- To add an additional reference, press the next Reference button. Once pressed its label changes to Selecting... until a selection is made.
- Select an attachment mode in the list.
- Define Attachment Offset values.
- Press OK.
Double-click the DatumPoint label in the Model tree or right-click and select Edit datum in the contextual menu to edit its parameters. For more details about Attachment mode and Attachment offset, see Part EditAttachment.
See PartDesign Plane.
- ДанныеMapMode: lists the attachment mode used.
- ДанныеAttachment Offset: applies a transformation (translation and rotation) in reference to the attachment placement.
- ДанныеLabel: name given to the object, this name can be changed at convenience.
- The datum point cannot be used as section for Pipe and Loft features.
- Инструменты моделирования
- Инструменты данных: Create a datum point, Create a datum line, Create a datum plane, Create a local coordinate system, Create a shape binder, Create a clone
- Аддитивные инструменты: Pad, Revolution, Additive loft, Additive pipe, Additive box, Additive cone, Additive cylinder, Additive ellipsoid, Additive prism, Additive sphere, Additive torus, Additive wedge
- Субстрактивные инструменты: Pocket, Hole, Groove, Subtractive loft, Subtractive pipe, Subtractive box, Subtractive cone, Subtractive cylinder, Subtractive ellipsoid, Subtractive prism, Subtractive sphere, Subtractive torus, Subtractive wedge
Документация пользователя
- Начинающим
- Установка: Загрузка, Windows, Linux, Mac,
Дополнительных компонентов, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Базовая: О FreeCAD, Интерфейс, Навигация мыши, Методы выделения, Имя объекта, Настройки, Верстаки, Структура документа, Свойства, Помоги FreeCAD, Пожертвования
- Помощь: Учебники, Видео учебники
- Верстаки: Std Base, Arch, Assembly, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework