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Tento nástroj Vám umožní stavět strukturované prvky jako jsou sloupy nebo příčníky specifikováním jejich šířky, délky a výšky nebo jejich založením na 2D profilu.
If no profile is given, a set of presets are available to quickly build a structural element from a predefined standard profile.
Obrázek nahoře zobrazuje sloup založený na 2D profilu, sloup a příčník založený na ne-profilu (definovaný rozměry výšky, délky a šířky) a kovový profil založený na 2D obrysu (plocha, lomená čára nebo náčrt)
An Arch Structure object shares the common properties and behaviors of all Arch Components.
The Structure tool also features a series of presets that allow to quickly build standard metallic profiles or precast concrete elements.
Some presets for steel structures
The presets are obtained by choosing a Category from the structure options panel. Available categories are Precast concrete or any of the industry-standard metallic profiles such as HEA, HEB or INP. For each of these categories, a number of presets are available. Once a preset is chosen, its individual parameters such as Length, Width or Height can be adjusted. However, for metallic profiles, the profile size is set by the preset and cannot be changed.
The Switch L/H button can be used to switch Length and Height values, and therefore building a horizontal beam rather than a vertical column.
Some presets for precast concrete structures
Structural objects also have the ability to display structural nodes. Structural nodes are a sequence of 3D points stored in a "Nodes" property. By switching the "Show Nodes" view property on/off, one can see the structural nodes of a structural element:
Structural nodes made visible for a set of structures
Nástroj Struktura může být využit v makrech a z konzoly Pythonu použitím následující funkce:
structure = makeStructure(baseobj=None, height=None)
structure = makeStructure(baseobj=None, length=None, width=None, height=None, name="Structure")
import FreeCAD, Draft, Arch
rect = Draft.make_rectangle(200, 300)
structure1 = Arch.makeStructure(rect, height=2000)
structure2 = Arch.makeStructure(None, length=500, width=1000, height=3000)
Draft.move(structure2, FreeCAD.Vector(2000, 0, 0))