Assembly CreateJointDistance/de

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Assembly CreateJointDistance

Menu location
Assembly → Create Distance Joint
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Assembly CreateJointDistance tool creates a Distance joint between two selected parts, fixing the distance between both parts.


  1. Optionally select two geometric entities of two different shapes. Other selections will be rejected.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • Press the Create Distance Joint button.
    • Select the Assembly → Create Distance Joint option from the menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: D.
  3. The Create Joint dialog opens in the Task panel listing the pre-selected entities.
  4. For further steps see Assembly CreateJointFixed.


Tool tip says a distance of 0 results in a co-planar joint between the selected planar elements, or a tangent joint between a cylindrical and a planar element. Neither seems to work in weekly build 0.22.-.37645.


Siehe auch: Eigenschafteneditor.

A Distance object is derived from an App FeaturePython object and inherits all its properties. See Assembly CreateJointFixed for additional properties.