Arch Schedule/pt-br

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Arch Schedule

Menu location
Manage → Schedule
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Arch Schedule tool allows you to create and automatically populate a spreadsheet with contents gathered from the model.

For a more general solution, see the Reporting Workbench in the list of external workbenches. This workbench uses SQL syntax to extract information from the document.


  1. Open or create a FreeCAD document which contains some objects.
  2. Press the Schedule button.
  3. Adjust the desired options. Enable the Associate spreadsheet option if you want the schedule to generate a FreeCAD spreadsheet. Or, alternatively, right-click the schedule in the Tree view after creation, and select Attach spreadsheet from the context menu.
  4. Press OK.


First you need to have a model. For example, here is a document with a couple of Arch objects, but other objects are also supported.

When you press the Schedule button this dialog opens:

You can now fill the schedule row by row. Each row is a "query" and will render one row in the spreadsheet. Press the Add row button to add a new row, and double-click each cell from that row to fill in the values. The Del row button will delete the row which contains a currently selected cell, and Clear will delete all rows. Possible values to put in columns are:

Example filter queries
Query Description
label:floor1;ifctype:window Will retain only objects that have "floor1" in their DadosLabel and "window" in their DadosIFC Type. A window with the DadosLabel "Floor1-AA" and the DadosIFC Type "Window Standard Case" will be included.
label:door Will retain only objects that have "door" in their DadosLabel
!label:door Will retain only objects that do not have "door" in their DadosLabel
ifctype:structural Will retain only objects that have "structural" in their DadosIFC Type
!ifctype:something Will retain only objects that do not have "structural" in their DadosIFC Type or that do not have the DadosIFC Type property
!ifctype: Will retain only objects that do not have the DadosIFC Type property

The Import button allows you to build this list in another spreadsheet application, and import that as a csv file here.

The finished schedule may look like this:

Finally, press OK and a new schedule is added to the document. If the related option has been selected, the schedule will contain an associate spreadsheet:

To edit an existing schedule double-click it in the Tree view. By double-clicking the spreadsheet, you get the results in 3 columns: Description, Value, Unit (if applicable):

The spreadsheet can then be exported to csv normally, from the Spreadsheet Workbench.

Dynamic properties

It is possible to add your own properties to objects. These are called Dynamic properties. If they have been added with the Prefix group name option selected, their names will indeed start with the group name, but this prefix is not displayed in the Property editor. Their names have this form: NameOfGroup_NameOfProperty. To reference them in a schedule this full name must be used.