FEM MaterialReinforced/it

Materiale rinforzato

Posizione nel menu
Modello → Materiale rinforzato
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Introdotto nella versione
Vedere anche
Tutorial FEM


Creates a reinforced matrix material. It combines a matrix material (e.g. concrete) and a reinforcement material (e.g. steel).

The FEM reinforced material task panel


  1. To create a new MaterialReinforced object do the following:
  2. To edit an existing MaterialReinforced object:
  3. Select the Matrix Material from the drop-down list.
  4. Optionally press the Launch Editor button to access the material editor. The following material properties have to be defined: Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, compressive strength and angle of friction.
  5. Select the Reinforcement Material from the drop-down list.
  6. Optionally press the Launch Editor button to access the material editor. A yield strength has to be defined.
