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Questo strumento crea uno sformo angolare (inclinazione delle facce) sulle facce selezionate di un oggetto. Nella struttura del progetto viene creata una nuova voce 'Draft indipendente, seguita da un numero sequenziale il documento contiene già altri elementi Draft.
See also: Property editor.
A PartDesign Draft object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
): Cannot be negative. Default: 1.5 °
): Default: false
): Sub-link to the parent feature's list of selected edges and faces.Bool
): Include the base additive/subtractive shape when used in pattern features. If disabled, only the dressed part of the shape is used for patterning. Default: false
): Link to the parent feature.LinkHidden
): Link to the parent body.Draft
): Sub-link to the parent feature's list containing the neutral plane.LinkSub
)Part Design
): Refine shape (clean up redundant edges) after adding/subtracting. The default value is determined by the Automatically refine model after sketch-based operation preference. See PartDesign Preferences.